A Certified Mediator
Practicing law since 1982, Lana is a certified mediator recognized by the Supreme Court of South Carolina, and provides mediation services for litigants in a full range of civil actions.
Practicing law since 1982, Lana is a certified mediator recognized by the Supreme Court of South Carolina, and provides mediation services for litigants in a full range of civil actions.
Need a Mediator?
Mediation is about more than moving back and forth between parties – more than simply being a numbers carrier. I consider myself an evaluator and a facilitator. I let the parties work it out, but I will also encourage them to “try thinking about it this way."
Lana H. Sims, Jr. is a certified mediator recognized by the Supreme Court of South Carolina and provides mediation services for litigants in a full range of civil actions. Prior to making mediation the primary focus of his practice, he was a litigator and trial lawyer representing employers, self-insured funds, and insurance companies throughout South Carolina in state and federal court, and before the South Carolina Workers Compensation Commission.
Lana’s experience includes crossover claims such as workers’ compensation claims with third party liability liens. He was born and raised in Panama and is conversationally fluent in Spanish.
Lana’s mediation experience includes commercial, product liability, medical malpractice and worker’s compensation disputes.